After reading this thought provoking article about 'Tech Time Out'.
In which I learnt that many of us now spend over two hours a day on social media.
Breathe asks, Is it time to rethink our screen-time tendencies?
I felt compelled to illustrate the fun and relaxing things to do in those two hours, away from social media.
(My illustration is a self-initiated brief and is not commissioned by Breathe Magazine)

Frankie Feel Good Volume 3. Written by Leta Keens, Your Truly.
This article is about putting down your phone and rediscovering the thrill of a handwritten letter, a rambling email or a personalized postcard.
I was inspired to illustrate this article because i wish to go back to the good old days of letter writing and receiving letters. When i send a letter to my loved ones, I love imaging their response opening an unexpected letter, reading the handwriting and realizing that the letter has been hand crafted especially for them.
I remember my auntie who lived in America, sending letters to my Nana in the UK. My aunt would write long letters written on airmail paper, she always included printed photographs. It was my family's highlight to go to my Nana's house, all sit together in the living room and pass around the pages and photographs.
This concept illustration is self initiated and was not commissioned by Frankie Feel Good Magazine.